Previously released to paying subscribers only. Now available to all subscribers this one time. It is that important. Watch this short video presented at The Aesthetic Show two days ago. The point is YOU CAN DO THIS!
These are the CORE everyday treatments I do in my office for the dry, loose, saggy, insensitive, and leaky feminine organs and tissues. Something you need to learn! I developed and originated most of these treatments over the past 20 year. These are very easy to introduce and perform in any Primary Care practice. A cash practice that can seriously augment any practice that sees women. This is not confined to Gynecologists. In fact, some of the finest providers are FPs, Internists, Derms, RNPs, PAs, and Cosmetic Surgeons.
The radiofrequency devices can be expensive but the use of PRP/O-Shot, Clitoxin, Vampire Wing Lifts do not need anything that costs a ton. PPR systems can be as low as $50 per tube in the US. Botox and Xeomin is reasonably priced, FemXHA is super inexpensive for what you get. I have a separate full length video covering FemXHA on Gynflix for those interested. FemXHA is the name of the kit that has two 15ml test tubes to spin blood in and obtain PRP. Each tube has 3ml of HA and you can choose from Cross-linked ($699) to Non Cross-linked ($500). That is exceptionally cheap when you consider the price for 1ml of Juvederm Voluma is about $400. And you get 6ml of very high quality HA per kit. The HA specs are quite close.
You will see these steps:
I start with comfortable warm massage with radio waves (ThermiVa, EmFemme 360, or Morpheus) to shrink the skin inside and out to create beauty and improve bladder control. Also helps increase density of the small nerve fibers to help with sensitivity and orgasmic potential.
O-Shot: injection of the patient’s own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) with tons of Growth Factors and anti-inflammatory Cytokines. Helps increase the blood flow to areas and improve sensitivity and reduce tissue inflammation. Examples are use for Lichen Sclerosus, Vulvar Vestibulitis, Overactive Bladder, even mild to moderate Stress Incontinence. Invented by Charles Runels, MD.
Clitoxin: injection of PRP combined with Botulinum Toxin. I covered this on May 13, 2024. Go to this link for details: Clitoxin for Improved Female Sexual Function. Invented by Charles Runels, MD
FemXHA is the system that allows me to mix your own PRP with Hyaluronic Acid Filler to plump up saggy areas and restore a youthful appearance. The original treatments are called Vampire Wing Lifts and they were invented by Charles Runels, MD.
I can get you trained and connected to Charles Runels, MD, and his Cellular Medicine Association, leading to authorized use of his Trademarks via Gynflix online platform. My entire Non Surgical Modules are there leading to licensure to use the terms O-Shot, P-Shot, Clitoxin, Vampire Wing Lift, Vampire Facial, Vampire Face Lift, Vampire Breast Lift.
I am on a constant search to find the best treatments for Feminine Wellness. These are the State-of-the-Art therapies for the Aging Vagina and the problems listed below. Here are my slides from the presentation I gave on September 28, 2024, at the Wynn Resort Las Vegas for The Aesthetic Show. I have a warm place in my heart for The Aesthetic Show as I introduced my invention, ThermiVa, there in the summer of 2015.
I hope you have found this newsletter useful. I cover topics as clearly as I can and dig a bit deeper than your traditional magazines. Please subscribe to get full contents of future releases.
Red Alinsod, MD (, www.,
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Alinsod Institute Dallas
Women’s Wellness Institute of Dallas
Preston Sherry Plaza
8201 Preston Road Suite 520
Dallas TX 75225
Phone: 945-900-7576
Dr. Red Alinsod:
Alinsod Institute Las Vegas
2990 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, Suite 100
Henderson, NV 89074
Phone: 945-900-7576
Dr. Red Alinsod:
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