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The Value of Dr. Alinsod’s Gynflix Education (www.gynflix.com)

o   Get the best education at the lowest price with premium support

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1.   Desire: To add cash cases in your office at your schedule

2.   Problem: You don’t know how to do it: Office labiaplasty, perineoplasty, vaginoplasty, O-Shots, Wing Lifts, radiofrequency, and lasers.  You are afraid of getting into trouble and don’t know how to start.

3.   I will be your guide.  I developed the techniques and have taught the teachers worldwide.  Go to the source.

4.   I have a plan.  Step-by-step learning proven over 20 years.  From videos, to live training, to webinars, newsletters, to personalized calls/Zoom/FaceTime with me. 

5.   Subscribe to Gynflix and learn from me and your peers.  Benefit from our experience and follow the right path.

6.   Don’t get left behind.  Your competitor next door is eyeing this field.  Train with me and be light years ahead.

7.   Financial Value and quality of life will improve.

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30 years of Cosmetic Gynecology pearls from the Alinsod Institute of Aesthetic Vulvovaginal Surgery, AIAVS.


Red Alinsod, MD, is a Cosmetic Gynecologist practicing in Dallas and Las Vegas.He has trained many of the world’s leading doctors and instructors in cosmetic gynecology and has presented his techniques worldwide for over 20 years.