Training Week: An inside look
Take a peek on how we go about training our doctors and nurses in both surgical and non-surgical procedures dedicated to Cosmetic Gynecology
We just finished an exciting week of training. Dr. Karen Kennedy from Florida, Dr. Mona Shawki from Washington, and Natasha Holliman from California joined me in Laguna Beach to enhance their skills and practices. Dr. Judy Wei, a graduate of mine from 2018, returned for a refresher course and shared her 4 year experience with the group. I took pictures all week and want to share with you the experience shared.
Many have asked me what my Training Week is like so I set out to record the events with my iPhone. Better to see it than to just read about it. If you want read about the details go here: Surgical Preceptorship with Dr. Red Alinsod.
Monday, Day #1, we spent on non-surgical procedures. I had sent the attendees a large collection of videos to watch and learn from a month prior to their arrival so that we spent more time doing procedures than going over PowerPoints and videos. These ladies devoured the videos so we were off and running doing our training.
First, I introduced them to radiofrequency treatments and the O-Shot. We tackled the materials I created for ThermiVa and the materials Charles Runels created for the use of PRP. The end goal was to get everyone accredited in RF treatments, O-Shot, and Vampire Procedures. I would first demonstrate and then the doctors and nurse would give it a try. Hands on with on the spot instruction from me!
We then moved on to facial treatments doing Vampire Facials, Vampire Face Lifts, Baby Face Facials, Predictive Permeation and Microneedling treatments. We compared depth of penetration of the different modalities. We used PRP and the little bit of Amniotic Fluid supply we had left.
Marisol, my Medical Assistant gave demonstrations on Predictive Permeation and the use of milliampere energy to open up the water channels of the skin. She also showed how we collected and prepared PRP and added HA to the mix. She also showed the new Juventix PRP+HA kits we had for both face and genital use.
Day #1 ended with 2 O-Shots, 2 Vampire Facials, 2 Vampire Face Lifts, 1 microneedling, 2 Predictive Permeation treatments. We also did two genital RF and two facial RF treatments.
Tuesday Day #2 jumped right into 2 labiaplasty and 2 clitoral hood reductions surgeries. Showed the Hybrid and Barbie Look Labiaplasties and the intricacies involved to get outstanding results. We concentrated on doing proper “A” incisions to avoid dog ears. Great cases with both Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Wei right beside me.
We ended the morning with lunch at Dana Point Harbor and saw the Sheriff’s helicopter land just across the bay from us.
We came back from lunch and jumped into our GYN Photography module with our models and did both 2D and 3D pictures. Marisol and Brenda were awesome aids and taught the importance of proper lighting.
Between surgeries we were able to get on a Zoom call with Suzette Peterson (Webmaster) and Sergei Baghdasarian (SEO) who then taught my doctors on how to properly use the internet to market to patients. Practical and useful advice on how to do it right the first time and not waste precious time and dollars. Dr. Wei’s staff were present to listen to my expert team members.
This was Christina’s first Teaching Week as my new Front Office Coordinator so she was intimately involved with the training and the care of my doctors and nurses. Here she is below watching and listening in to the pearls from Suzette and Sergei.
Wednesday Day #3 was filled with an In Office No IV Awake Anterior and Posterior Repair, Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Labia Majoraplasty, and another RF and O-Shot treatment. We reviewed more videos on management of scars and bands, hymen repair, revision surgery, buried clitoral release. The videos of procedures covered are found here: Labial Workshop and Vaginal Workshop.
After the Q&A and Review session we jetted off to Mozambique Restaurant a couple of miles away in Laguna Beach for a relaxing dinner with all the staff and providers. So much fun to just let our hair down and get to know each other better. Great sunset!
Thursday Day #4, our last day, was filled with surgeries to the very end. We practiced markings once more. Practiced the methods of local anesthesia and the use of Exparel. For fun and perspective we did get to review the history of my Institute and the inventions and original procedures that we have developed over the past two decades. I even pulled out the original Lone Star Retractor I invented and got a patent on. Dr. Kennedy is holding the aluminum version that cost me over $10,000 to get made. Judy holds the plastic ones that were the original versions and CAD/CAM versions pre production.
Such a rewarding week. Congratulations to my newest AIAVS Fellow Karen Kennedy, MD. My Fellow Judy Wei, MD, celebrated her accomplishment as I did. With pride and with a huge smile. Time to print out that Original Diploma with your name on it Karen!
I am so exceptionally proud of my AIAVS grads worldwide. They are the best in their fields in their countries and helping improve women’s lives daily. They will carry on and pass the knowledge to the next generation of Cosmetic Gynecologists.
I will probably have just one more Teaching Week in 2022 then that’s it. Join me. If you have questions about my courses just email me here: Contact Red Alinsod.