The Unified Approach to Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty Surgery

Presented at the Rumanian Society for Aesthetic Gynecology on September 15, 2023. The steps for Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Majoraplasty, Barbie Look Labiaplasty, and Clitoral Hood Reduction.

This Cosmetic Gynecology Newsletter supports my efforts to educate the world through Gynflix. This video covers my Unified Approach for 10 minutes then tells you more about Gynflix for about 4 minutes. Be sure to watch it. The full-length version, found on Gynflix, is over 2.5 hours and gives intricate details and my secrets. All my Unified Approach videos are available there. I have over 10,000 newly joined doctors and surgeons subscribed to this newsletter who probably do not know anything about Gynflix. In short, Gynflix is my way of mentoring you in this field with my collection of Cosmetic Gynecology videos for a very reasonable fee of $98 a month. Please join and be a member and get monthly new videos. For those who want a higher level Fellows Gold Membership I will handhold you through this journey and meet with you monthly on Alinsod Live Zoom Meetings. Fellows get all the new videos first, get to talk to me live, Zoom or FaceTime with me live, and become part of the Alinsod Institute Family. Join now and get a month free when you buy a year subscription.

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Red Alinsod, MD (,

Complex case with the patient complaining of a loose vagina, gaping vaginal opening, loose Labia Majora, Labia Minora that pulls and tugs and is unsightly to her, a wide clitoral hood she want to appear more slim.
She wanted the surgery done in the office, awake, with NO IV, and under local anesthesia. Is that possible?
Deep dissection under local anesthesia is possible with the right tools. The Lone Star APS Retractor I designed along with the Pudendo-Levator Block make it all possible to do this surgery while the patient is talking to me!
Complete recreation of the vaginal and introital diameters is possible with minimal assistance from staff.
The Unified Approach removes the Labia Majora, Labia Minora, and Clitoral Hood all together as one dissections.
Radiosurgery or ultra precise CO2 laser can be used to perform this procedure. This video example uses radio surgery.
Ultra precise with minimal lateral thermal damage.
Precise layered suturing.
Unified Approach to remove the Majora/Minora/Hood all together.
Dramatic changes possible in the office. Go see the full length video on Gynflix.

Cosmetic Gynecology Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, become a paid subscriber at only $10 a month. This newsletter is free if you are a Gynlix subscriber.


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