The Cheat Sheet and other Upgrades on Gynflix 2.0

Take a peek at what is in store for Gynflix 2.0 for 2025. The Cheat Sheet is key. Subscribe now in 2024 for extra benefits in 2025.

Gynflix provides the Took Kit of learning for the Cosmetic Gynecologists.

In a rush? Need a quickie review of how to do an “A” Incision to avoid Dog Ears? Need to refresh on where to inject for a Pudendo-Levator Block? I created a Cheat Sheet for you. I spent a year condensing and refining my full-length videos into more manageable bite sized pieces for you to look at right before you go into the operating room. Organized it into sections that help you find exactly what you need. The Cheat Sheet is only for Gold Fellows but if you sign up by Dec 31, 2024, it will be available to new Silver Bullet subscribers for all of 2025. Cannot loose on this Christmas Deal. The only way to get this special access is to email Suzette Peterson at and type in “Cheat Sheet Deal” on the Subject line. Here are the main categories:

  • Labia Minoraplasty

  • Labia Majoraplasty

  • Unified Approach

  • Clitoral Hood Reduction

  • Clitoral Reduction

  • Botched Labiaplasty Revision

  • Vaginoplasty

  • Vampire Wing Lift/Majora Augmentation

  • Perineoplasty

  • Radio Frequency Treatments

  • Hymenoplasty

  • Luksenburg Incontinence Procedure

  • Anal Skin Tags

All the titles have active links that you just click on to see the video.

Prepping for a surgery? Would you like a quick review to make sure you are up-to-date on procedures and tips from Dr. Alinsod? Check out the cheat sheet!

Now available only on for Gold Fellows Subscription.

GOLD FELLOWS MEMBERSHIP: This unique and valuable service provides access to all future surgical and non-surgical videos and AIAVS Video materials. There will be 1-2 complete and unique videos per month. Dr. Alinsod will be available to discuss the intricacies and details of topics covered in the videos and answer specific questions that may arise . This is the first and only true Master’s Course for continuing education focused on cosmetic gynecology.


Labia Minoraplasty

  1. Labiaplasty Set Up and Draping Doctor View

  2. Labiaplasty Set Up and Draping Patient View

  3. Labia Minoraplasty Anesthesia and Marking HD

  4. A Incision Review 2023

  5. Rim Labiaplasty: The Basics

  6. Hybrid Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction, ThermiVa, O-Shot, and Vampire Wing LIft

  7. Barbie Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction, and A Incision Steps

  8. Sutureless Feathering Labiaplasty Revision with VCHR and Contouring

  9. Incisionless Labiaplasty with Feathering Resurfacing Revision

Labia Majoraplasty

  1. Labia Majoraplasty Anesthesia and Marking

  2. Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction, VCHR, LMF, O-Shot – Short

Unified Approach

  1. Unified Approach to Vaginoplasty and Barbie Labiaplasty

  2. Unified Approach to Vaginoplasty, Labia Minora and Majoraplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction

  3. Unified Approach with LightScalpel Laser for Vaginoplasty, Labiaplasty, Anal Skin Tags

Clitoral Hood Reduction

  1. Clitoral Hood Reduction Techniques

  2. Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction

  3. Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction

  4. Clitoral Hood Release for Buried Clitoris

  5. Revision of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum Release, PRP with Amniotic Fluid

  6. Release of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum, PRP and Amniotic Fluid Injection

  7. Management of the Protuberant Clitoris

  8. Clitoral Hood Reduction: Lateral and Vertical Approaches

Clitoral Reduction

  1. Management of the Protruberant Clitoris 2024

  2. Management of the Protuberant Clitoris

  3. Revision of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum Release, PRP with Amniotic Fluid

  4. Release of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum, PRP and Amniotic Fluid Injection

  5. Clitoral Reduction and Medial Clitoral Hood Reduction 2024

Botched Labiaplasty Revision

  1. Feathering Revision of Labial Edges

  2. LN Management of Labial Scalloping & Scars w/ Feathering & Shaving

  3. Sutureless Feathering Labiaplasty Revision with VCHR and Contouring

  4. Incisionless Labiaplasty with Feathering Resurfacing Revision


  1. Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty Review

  2. TOT, Anterior Repair with Dermis, and Transvaginal Uterine Suspension

  3. Augmented Pelvic Floor Repair with Dermis

  4. Vaginal Softening Exercises

  5. Transvaginal Uterine Suspension: Pelvic Reconstruction with Dermal Augmentation

Vampire Wing Lift/Majora Augmentation

  1. ThermiVa, O-Shot Clitoxin, Vampire Wing Lift with FemXHA

  2. ThermiVa with Vampire Wing Lift


  1. Small Perineoplasty

  2. Perineal Band Release

  3. Band Release

Radio Frequency Treatments

  1. Live Narrated Thermi-O

  2. ThermiVa with Vampire Wing Lift

  3. ThermiVa, O-Shot Clitoxin, Vampire Wing Lift with FemXHA


  1. Hymenoplasty PIllar Technique

Luksenberg Incontinence Procedure

  1. The Luksenburg System for SUI

Anal Skin Tags

  1. Anal Skin Tag Excision with Bipolar RF

  2. Anal Skin Tag Excision Compendium

  3. Live Narrated Excision of Anal Skin Tag with LightScalpel Laser

Each section provides a wealth of review materials. Plus you have access to discuss these videos with me via scheduled Calendly. Phone or Zoom.


On January 2025 I will launch Gynflix Community on X (formerly Twitter). This is my first announcement. There are no posts yet. Go join it. I will build an online community of expert Cosmetic Gynecologists from around the world who you will be able to communicate with and pick their brains. Click on the logo picture for the link:

Merry Christmas!

Red Alinsod, MD (

For More Detailed Videos Click on the Index Photo Below:

Go to this Index of my Surgeries on and view several hundred detailed 4k cases. You will learn a ton.

For more Cosmetic Gynecology Training join

Click here for Silver Subscription at $98 a month: Gynflix Subscription

Contact Suzette Peterson at ‭(909) 374-1000‬ or email her at if you are interested in Fellows Gold Subscription at $198 a month.

Gynflix is an online e-Learning platform dedicated to Feminine Wellness. Videos of topics such as labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, cliteroplasty, clitoral hood reduction, anal skin tag excision.

I love hearing from my Fellows, Grads, subscribers. Text or email me. I answer questions from all around the world!

Social Media:

Follow my Social Media adventures below as I educate and entertain every week. Join me on Instagram as VageniusMD. I have around 190,000 subscribers to my Cosmetic Gynecology Newsletter and 90,000 subscribers to this Labiaplasty Newsletter. Help me grow my Instagram presence.

Instagram: VageniusMD

FB: Vagenius - Red Alinsod, MD

TicTok: VageniusMD


Alinsod Institute


My Three Newsletters:

For the Lay Public and Medical Professionals: Feminine Wellness Newsletter

For Medical Professionals: Cosmetic Gynecology Newsletter

For Surgeons: Subscribe to the Labiaplasty Newsletter:

Alinsod Institute Dallas
Women’s Wellness Institute of Dallas
Preston Sherry Plaza
8201 Preston Road Suite 520
Dallas TX 75225
Phone: 945-900-7576
Dr. Red Alinsod:


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