Part 2: Alinsod Feathering Technique for Sutureless Labiaplasty

Live Narrated Management of labial asymmetry and irregular edges using RF Feathering. For those who want to learn this skill I have my extensive set of Gynflix Feathering Revision videos at 72% off.

Over 30 years ago when I first started doing elective cosmetic gynecology I realized I had to figure out how to fix things when the perfect results were not achieved. I used to just pull out my CO2 Laser and smooth all those edges and bumps that would sometime show up. It was and is a great tool but not that precise. So I looked into radiofrequency devices for doing refinements and precision work. I first used the Ellman Surgitron and taught worldwide for Ellman for over a decade. I taught in Poland, Thailand, Philippines, London, Dubai, and even that exotic land called Los Angeles. Ellman got bought out by Cynosure and their service suffered as they became like a stepchild in a massive company. They forgot all about me and my teaching so I switched to Soniquence, which was started by Alan Ellman and managed by Ellman’s former head Bill Bernstein. Good guys. They have been great to me. I have no conflicts of interests as I do not work for either Ellman or Soniquence. So enjoy this short 4 minute video and read the rest below. There is a pleasant surprise for serious surgeons.

Red Alinsod, MD (,


I use radiofrequency to do the actual cutting for labiaplasty, the refinements to smooth out edges, and to feather any skin that needs smoothing and shrinkage. This video shows the possibilities Feathering can provide a Cosmetic Gynecologist. When I first started using radiofrequency surgery I used the ultra fine pinpoint hairtip you will see in the video. That is an awesome tool and one you can do just about any cosmetic work with. I soon learned that with precision you also needed bulk shrinkage of tissue so I put the small ball tip to work. I was so amazed at the beauty you can obtain with this combination of fine tip and ball tip. Later on, I refined my repairs of “Botched Labiaplasties” and created a way to make labia minora when there was none. Here is an example of using radiofrequency to do a labiaplasty, then to refine the labial edges with Feathering, followed by defining the labial edges more precisely with the “Grooving Technique”

The “Grooving Technique” was born in about 2006 and I kept that secret close to the vest for over a decade as I fixed lots of “amputation” labiaplasty results. That is when too much labia is removed or more labial shrinkage occurred than expected usually in the top 1/3rd of the minora just under the clitoral hood. I steadily grew my Revision Labiaplasty Surgery practice and took care of Botched Labiaplasties from all over the world. I only taught that technique to my Fellows who spent time with me in Laguna Beach. It really works so I encouraged my Fellows to use and advertise their skills in Revision Labiaplasty surgery. One of the best of them doing this and using my “Grooving” technique is Michael Reed, MD, who has brilliantly named his modification the “Reviv” Procedure. Creation of labia minora out of no labia minora! I will cover that more in a future newsletter. There is coverage on that for Gynflix subscribers now. Just to a SEARCH on the term “Grooving.”

Here is an example of a patient who had a labiaplasty and needed “Grooving” to enhance the cosmetic results:

This patient had Camel Toes (ExessLabia Majora Fat) and labia minora hypertrophy and asymmetry. She underwent a labia majoraplasty with fat pad reduction, Barbie Look Labiaplasty, and a Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction.
Six weeks later the labia majora were less prominent and the minora and hood were also flatter. She was not happy that the minora were too flushed and sutured to the labia majora and requested a Feathering Revision and Grooving. I recommended waiting another 3 months before doing any revision surgery.
Several months later we decided to proceed with revision surgery. I used radiofrequency to Feather and Groove to create a more appealing appearance. This is the results 6 months after my Feathering and Grooving.

Now it is your chance to learn Feathering and Resurfacing Revision surgery as well as how create labia when there was none using my Grooving Technique. No flaps needed! No scars.

I have much to be thankful for and I want to share the blessing with my Cosmetic Gynecology Newsletter members. Introducing my Two Weeks Only SALE!

Botched Revision Surgery (Module S7) - $3,500

Special Thanksgiving Pricing of only $980 for Module S7 for the next two weeks through the end of November 2023. Take a look at the 18 Full-Lenght Videos below. Several more new videos will be released at no extra cost for those who purchase this series.

1.      Webinar: Botched Labiaplasty 101, 02:16:40

2.      Lecture: #4 Incisionless LP with Feathering Resurfacing Revision, 04:42

3.      Surgical Videos Narrated: #8 Final - Resurfacing Revision, 17:13

4.      Surgical Videos Narrated: #A2 Final - Feathering Resurfacing Revision with Morph, 03:59

5.      Surgical Videos Narrated: #17 Final - Feathering to Barbie, Vertical CHR, Perineo, 4 Year Journey, 29:14

6.     Surgical Videos Narrated: #13 Final - Perineoplasty, Sutureless Labiaplasty with Feathering Resurfacing Revision, 39:50

7.     Surgical Videos Narrated: #2 Final - Band Release, 10:48

8.      Surgical Videos Review: Alinsod 7 Incisionless LP with Feathering Revision & Vertical CHR Short Version, 10:23

9.      Surgical Videos Review: Alinsod 14 Feathering Revision, 03:39

10.   Surgical Videos Narrated: #17 Final - Feathering to Barbie, Vertical CHR, Perineo, Journey, 29:14

11.   AIAVS Fellows Video 71, Live Narrated Vertical CHR, Feathering, O-Shot, Vampire Wing Lift, 01:05:49

12.  LNS17 Live Narrated Q-Tip Exercise after Feathering v2, 01:39

13.  Surgical Videos Narrated: #20 Q-Tip Exercise, 01:38

14.  AIAVS Video 31 Live Narrated Cliteropexy, Clitoral Hood Coverage, O-Shot, HD, 01:34:44

15.  AIAVS Fellows Video 68, Live Narrated Anterior Repair with Dermis, Posterior Repair,  Perineoplasty, Labiaplasty Revision, CHR, Excision of External Anal Skin Tags, 01:59:00

16.  AIAVS Fellows Video 49, Live Narrated Feathering to a Barbie Look and Q-Tip Exercise, 01:01:42

17.  LNS1 v2 Feathering and Grooving and CHR for Botched Labiaplasty, 01:24:50

18.  LNS2 Perineal Band Release for Dyspareunia Full Version, 24:33

Go HERE to see all the videos available on


1.1. #2 Botched Labiaplasty 101 June 5, 2020 Low, 02:16:40

1.1.1.   Description: This video tackles the problems of unsatisfactory labial surgery, how to avoid them, and how to fix them.  A large selection of various “Botched” labiaplasty cases are illustrated and discussed.  Radiosurgical techniques are explained and shown for the repair of these difficult problems.  Various revision surgeries are shown and discussed and demonstrated.  Renown surgeons Rafal Kukzlik, Dawid Serafin, and Christine Hamori share their techniques.  Amr Seifeldine also presents a case of the Buried Clitoris and how to help this problem.  Lastly, Dr. Alinsod shares his unique approach called the “Alinsod Feathering Technique” and its ability to smoothen edges, shrink tissues, and turn disasters into beautiful revisions.  This is a Core lecture.

1.1.2.   Keywords: Botched Labiaplasty, Revision Surgery, complications, Kuzlik, Serafin, Seifeldine, Hamori, Wedge labiaplasty, Feathering, PRP, Amniotic Fluid, AmDrop, O2Vasc, Carboxytherapy, Charles Runels, Core

1.1.3.   Photos:

1.1. #8 Final - Feathering Resurfacing Revision, 17:13

1.1.1.   Description:  This Core video demonstrates the essential skills of Feathering and Resurfacing done for revision surgery.  A definite Must See Video.  Radiofrequency feathering is precise and able to smooth, carve, and shrink tissues.  Most Botched Labiaplasty surgeries with irregular edges, dog ears, and asymmetry can be managed with the Feathering technique.  A fine wire tip and a small ball tip are used. 

1.1.2.   Keywords:  Botched Labiaplasty, RF, Radiofrequency, Feathering, Resurfacing, Revision, Dog Ears, Core

1.1.3.   Photos:

So go HERE for the special 72% discount for Module 7.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my loyal Cosmetic Gynecology Newsletter and Gynflix members. May God Bless you and yours this Autumn Season of Joy.

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